15 Focsiv

30th International Volunteering Award

The award ceremony will take place on 2 December in Rome!

THE WINNERS FOR THE 2023 AWARD - International Volunteer and Volunteer from the South

Since the 30th edition, the International Cooperation Project Award has been launched, rewarding international cooperation and solidarity interventions and projects that, with the active participation of local partners, have been able to express an economic and social sustainability that continues to bear fruit in the medium and long term

The winners of the XXX edition of the Focsiv International Volunteering Award 2023 are:

International Cooperation Project Award to COE's Alma de Colores project in Guatemala and, ex equo, to ACCRI's Building Our Future Project in Kenya.
Universal Civil Service Award to Universal Civil Service volunteer Michele Scolari for his commitment in Cameroon with COE.
Southern Civil Society Award to Association El Amane pour le développement de la Femme by Halima Oulami, COPE partner in Morocco.

The Human Rights Defender 2023 Award went to the ResQ, Human Saving Human project.

International Cooperation Project Award 2023 (ex-equo)

Alma de Colores - COE - The award with motivations from the jury

Building Our future - ACCRI - The award ceremony with the jury's motivations

Universal Civil Service Award 2023

Michele Scolari - COE - The award with the jury's motivations

Southern Civil Society Award 2023 

Association El Amane pour le développement de la Femme, the award ceremony with the jury's motivations

Human Rights Defender Award 2023

ResQ, Human Saving Human, the award ceremony with the motivations of the jury

Read more about the Winners HERE