The Contest

On Saturday 2 December, on the occasion of the UN World Volunteer Day, the 30th edition of the Focsiv Volunteer Award, entitled "Cooperation is change for development", will be held in Rome, from 10.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., at the Sala Musumeci of the Roma 3 Department of Architecture, in via Aldo Manuzio, 68L, ex Mattatoio.

The Focsiv International Volunteer Award is an important appointment as well as the longest-running and most unique in the Italian cooperation panorama. It is an award that not only focuses on the role and meaning of the international commitment of volunteers and their work, but also gives value to the role of Italian international cooperation, which is able to build stories of peace and justice, to create bridges of solidarity in an increasingly globalised and multi-ethnic society and, in this way, to be an integral and qualifying part of Italy's foreign policy.

In the face of the ever-widening gap of inequalities, of migratory flows that are growing exponentially due to wars, poverty and discrimination, of the climate crisis and its increasingly extreme and frequent catastrophic effects, of economic stagnation and inflation, of violations of social, cultural and political rights, of the contradictions and fragility of democracy, and of the spread of dictatorial regimes, development cooperation, today more than ever, can and must be a concrete and effective response. With feet firmly planted in the ground, weaving relationships, building trust and brotherhood, working together for the common home, for a common future.

This year the Focsiv Award is renewed with 3 categories:

The Civil Society of the South Award, which aims to valorise the role of civil society organisations that, in so many areas of the world, contribute to generating and consolidating processes of social growth for their country;

the Premio Volontario in Servizio Civile Universale (Universal Civil Service Volunteer Award) which will be presented to young people who distinguish themselves or have distinguished themselves, in terms of personal commitment and shared values, in carrying out this experience abroad;

The International Cooperation Project Award, an absolute novelty of this edition, which will reward interventions and projects of international cooperation and solidarity that, with the active participation of local partners, have been able to express economic and social sustainability in the medium and long term.


10:00 - Lettura di una testimonianza di un/una volontario/a Servizio Civile Universale in servizio all’estero

10:05 - Saluti e introduzione

Ivana Borsotto, Presidente Focsiv

Antonio Tajani, Vice Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri e Ministro del MAECI

Barbara Funari, Assessora alle Politiche Sociali e Salute di Roma Capitale

Silvia Stilli, Presidente AOI


Alessandro Gisotti, Vicedirettore dei media vaticani e già Direttore della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede

Laura Silvia Battaglia, giornalista e documentarista

Giampaolo Cadalanu, giornalista, saggista, per 25 anni inviato de La Repubblica

Ivana Borsotto, Presidente Focsiv


Consegna del Premio Progetto Cooperazione Internazionale 2023

Consegna del Premio Società Civile del Sud 2023

Consegna Premio Servizio Civile universale 2023

Consegna Premio Difensore dei Diritti Umani 2023


ModeratoreSilvia Pochettino, Giornalista, esperta di comunicazione digitale e nuove tecnologie, ha fondato Ong 2.0 e coordina il Master ICT for Development and Social Good dell’Università di Torino